Philosophy and Culture: Symbols & the Psyche

Believing in the philosophy of the word rather than the reality of the being, people of culture, symbols, and philosophy then make their instruments impediments to realization and understanding of what they outwardly claim to value. The Tao that can be said is not the eternal Tao, yet this too had to be said.

On the Concept and Phenomenon of Individuality; Understanding the Individual (part 1/2)

A few months ago, I began writing out a series of personal notes and ideas about individuality and individualism that gradually lead to the creation of the following essay. In purpose, this essay is a conceptual matrix of information aimed at the inspiration of ideas. In form, this essay is an analysis of different perspectives … Continue reading On the Concept and Phenomenon of Individuality; Understanding the Individual (part 1/2)

On the Concept of Mental Illness & Disorder

The concept of mental illness is an interesting one. To recognize it appropriately, you need to understand it's opposite, mental health, but incidentally, there are many things that a functional, capable, mind can and will do for regulation that are considered in-themselves mental illnesses when it is more appropriate to recognize them as either mere symptoms or expressions of the attempt by a mind to maintain health and integrity.

I watched someone shape-shift today, …

Let me recount how someone's entire figure changed in my perception. No, unfortunately nothing exceptionally surreal happened, but I was thinking about trying to view customers in a less judgmental way when a customer was about take pictures of an art book in the store (it's not allowed). I let her know, and she quickly … Continue reading I watched someone shape-shift today, …

What it Actually Means to Be a Man: On Masculinity vs Manhood

Normally, I wouldn't even dream of writing an article with such a seemingly pretentious title. Normally, I'd reference Marcus Aurelius and say "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one," and leave it at that. The quote is excellent, but it does little to reveal explicitly what characteristics actually contribute … Continue reading What it Actually Means to Be a Man: On Masculinity vs Manhood

A Most Disturbing Reality: The Absence of Moral Law, AKA the Problem of Evil

The following is a formulation of an argument in support of the claim that the right to bodily autonomy necessitates a right to immorality. A brief reasoning for this claim can be found here, in a video excerpt of one of George Carlin's stand-up routines in which he advocates for unlimited rights, stating "I think … Continue reading A Most Disturbing Reality: The Absence of Moral Law, AKA the Problem of Evil

Civilization, Power, and Fate: The Paradox of Order

How much of the mission of governance is mired by partisanship, greed, and the hubris to control? Can we not simply work? For the sake of certainty, not for certain dominance, status, or influence. People say power corrupts, and I'm sure it's predominantly true, but humans created civilization, the most powerful and controlling institution. Is … Continue reading Civilization, Power, and Fate: The Paradox of Order